Bosch Solution 2000/3000 Alarms

Bosch Security Systems has released its new Solution 2000 and 3000 alarm panels which are designed to expand and handle evolving automation and communication modules in the future.
While offering the same telephone line communication capabilities as existing intrusion panels, the Solution 2000 and 3000 also have available a range of communications extension modules that integrate directly with the panel and provide options such as mobile communications via the GSM and GPRS networks, along with IP reporting through the Internet.
Bosch Remote Security Control app gives users full control of intrusion panels through AndroidOS or IOS smartphone.
Evolving Electronic Networks
The kind of electronic networks that manufactures of tech products are making these days are simply amazing and that also goes to Bosch’s new alarm panels that are now on the market. At Serious Security, we have noted this development and note with awe what these panels can do. They look far ahead into the future and try to make networks more efficient and easier to use by customers that want to avail themselves of the services these panels can provide. More important, they are extremely affordable and flexible for adapting to future advances in technology.
Technology of the future
Even with the plethora of buildings these days that have been built according to new architectural designs, the trend shows that future designs will move towards very tall, streamlined and harmonious structures. These structures will need more sophisticated types of communication networks that will need the very panels being produced by Bosch. The company maintains that its panels are flexible to such an extent they can be adapted to accommodate any change in lifestyle, in the connectivity required and the degree of rapid expansion that will be part of the future.
More add-ons to come
As if the qualities of the panels alone weren’t enough, Bosch has thought of producing other additional features alongside the alarm panels. More expansion functions will be added to the panels in the next few months and they will definitely add to the glamour and popularity of the new technological wizardry. Installers and users alike will be brought face to face with the potential utility of the products that will open other windows of opportunity for further expansion. For instance, the new modules will feature the integration of video and home automation into existing networks.
Exceedingly attractive controls
The controls for the modules are exemplary works technological achievement shrouded in metal casings that exhibit a very compact look. There are termination points surrounding the outside of each module that are tagged, making it easy to navigate and difficult to lose direction at the same time. The tagged terminals make it virtually impossible for a user to fumble and lose track while performing several functions or a single function at a time. With these kinds of features decked all over their outer casing, targeted markets are sure to welcome their appearance.
Features of the Bosch 2000 and 3000 include:
* 8/16 Fully Programmable Zones
* 41 Codes – 1 Installer, 20 User Codes, 20 RF Keyfobs
* 16 Wireless Devices (on Solution 3000)
* Partitionable in to 2 separate areas on Solution 3000
* STAY / AWAY Arming Options
* Selectable Reports per User Code
* Entry and Exit Warning
* Automatic Arming
* Remote Arming
* Zone Lockout
* 256-event History Memory
* 5 Programmable Outputs
* Dynamic Battery Test.
Contact us
If you want more information on the mentioned panels, ring us now on (02) 8734 3250.