Home Invasions in Sydney


What are home invasions?

homeinvasion-2Home invasions in Sydney are a worrying trend. Just the other day an old man in Green Valley was robbed during a home invasion at knifepoint. Home invasion criminals work more often at night and on weekends when homes are more likely to be occupied. The home invader will sometimes target the resident as well as the dwelling. The selection process may include a woman living alone or an older person.

Some home invaders might have been in your home before as a delivery person, installer or repair vendor. Home robbers rarely work alone and rely on an overwhelming physical confrontation to gain initial control and instill fear in you.

What can you do to help prevent home invasions?

Remember these important security steps:

  • Install solid doors, heavy duty locks, and window security devices
  • Lock all doors, windows, and garages at all times
  • Use a video intercom system to see who is there before opening the door
  • Use your porch light to help you to see clearly outside
  • Use your CCTV system to see who is outside before going to the door
  • Set the home perimeter alarm at night, if you have one
  • Never open the door to strangers or solicitors, no matter how friendly they look
  • Call the police if the stranger acts suspicious
  • Set your alarm to go off if they are trying to break in
  • Do a quick look around before using your automatic garage and driving in
  • Hold a family meeting to discuss home security plans to ensure everyone knows what to do