With Christmas just around the corner, businesses and customers are both busying themselves in conjuring up a caboodle of sales and buys that would stagger the imagination. Estimates of sales would run into the hundreds of millions, really juicy pickings for burglars who will definitely be on the prowl looking for opportunities to pounce on merchandise and cash under the care of unwary shop attendants. Christmas is no time for complacency but should be a time of heightened alerts against thieves and at Serious Security we are all set to help.
Daylight vigilance is a must
Most of the Christmas shopping will naturally take place in the daylight hours and for business owners, this is the time to focus all of their attention by doing the following:
- that all CCTV Systems and alarm systems are inspected by professionals from Serious Security to make sure they are fully functional before the first Christmas customers start pouring in the front entrance.
- Make changes wherever necessary to change the position of cameras and alarm systems for maximum security monitoring and effect. This may necessitate a recall of past camera and alarm system performances but it will maximize the effectiveness of your security systems.
- That the centralized monitoring room is fully manned throughout the festive season especially at the peak of the shopping spree to guard against clandestine activities.
- Enlist the help of extra security guards if needed, to keep an eye on things especially in the larger stores and supermarkets. The deployment of guards to strategic sectors should have the effect of reducing theft and preventing the escape of culprits that are caught red-handed on camera.
- Enlist the assistance of police in mounting regular patrols around your business premise to form an extra barrier against the entry of criminal elements inside your store and in preventing the escape of thieves who succeed in eluding the clutches of the security guards inside your store.
The security systems must perform
The most important aspect of security during the coming Christmas is that you have the proper security systems in place well before the shopping starts as well as other security measures that need to be taken so that your security needs are fully covered. The assistance of police and security guard services are important but the proper functioning and placement of your CCTV and/or alarm systems are indispensable.
Contact us
We are the only security providers that can really secure your business premise this coming Christmas. Ring us now on 8734 3250 for a free quote so you can experience risk free selling.