Security is changing, so do threats, while we no longer bare the thinking that one system fits all security needs, we should also stop thinking that threat exists only within certain parameters. A clear example is, in the past, we believe that as long as the premise is safeguarded, the bad stuff will keep out. Now, our focus should be more comprehensive and all things that go into or out of the system should be keep an eye on.


With that, let’s explore how had recent threats changed the many faces of security.


First of all, take a look at our mobile phones. It is getting more and more common for users to synchronise their security system to their smart devices so as to control it remotely. As a result, targeting at the system based in the premise may no longer be optimal for most criminals. Naturally, these handphones become a victim too.


Targeting mobile devices may mean two things. One the phones get taken away literally from the owner via theft or outright snatching. Second, which is also more prominent, is to destroy, steal, or modify the data contained inside these devices, so as to alter the security systems too. Such drastic change in security landscape had forces certain companies to switch their priorities. Therefore, the next generation of security will incorporate not only the system itself, but the peripheral like control devices and application, so that the hardward leverage on a software that is equally reliable and trust-worthy.


Similarly, the current wifi network will be affected too since it acts as a bridge between control device and security system. Stronger firewalls, better traffic control, lawful blocking of usage, secure guest use, and protection against middle man attacks are all within the considerations. Hence, an elaborate effort to promote collaboration between units are strongly encouraged as casualties within a single component may handicap the whole system.


A more complicated collaboration between the security system, control device, and wireless network means a more detailed maintenance is of demand. Thus, it is also getting more challenging to obtain manpower who arm the required skill sets.


It is challenging as individuals will not only ensure the day-to-day running of all systems and devices, but also able to detect a possible interruption. Interruption can come in many forms, such as interception, as in internal or external interference to the system. Such interference may be deliberate; others may be as simple as adding a new device which disturb the running of current system. Other form of interruption include modification, whereby unauthorised party is trying to gain access to the system or in the worst case scenario, fabrication – the existence of counterfeit, which makes it hard for detection if not treated carefully.


In general, the new threats had made the existing security systems more vulnerable as they took place in any shape and form. The best way to counter these uprising threats is to have an all rounded and regularly maintained system. When it comes to security, no details should be spared.