Any business premise left without any protection against unwanted intruders over an extended period of time is an invitation to be ransacked by burglars. It’s worthwhile noting that burglary is the most common form of thievery that plagues the small business sector and there’s no signs of easing off in the foreseeable future. At Serious Security, we are also concerned about this state of affairs and constantly urge our clients to pay special attention to the security of their business premises. A burglary incident can set you back thousands along the pain and anxiety of it all.
Checking premise security is indispensable
This Christmas season, accept the idea that while everyone will be out on a spending spree, burglars will likewise be on a thieving spree and it may be just likely that you will be their next victim. But don’t be unduly disturbed as there are ways of fortifying your defences and frustrate the efforts of burglars trying to steal your valuables. The most important aspect of your defence is in identifying all the weak security spots of your home which thieves also look for as their point of entry into your house. After identifying them you should them systematically address them one at time.
The perfect solutions to your security issues
Some of the most common solutions applied to thwart the efforts of burglars are:
- Fitting deadbolt locks on each exterior door.
- Receiving and overhead doors secured by strong padlocks
- Placing of strong grills on windows that are covered with safety glass.
- Making sure locks on every window are so placed they cannot be accessed and unlocked when the window is breached
- Ensuring that all exterior entry points are suitably lighted up with the right fixtures that burglars can’t reach. Complementing these with sensor lighting can further deter unwanted intruders.
- Changing keys after moving into a new house.
Never tempt burglars with your valuables
Some home owners can become so careless and lackadaisical about where they leave their valuables that they literally invite thieves into their house. Cash, valuables and all electronic gadgetry should be hidden from sight and you start making enquiries to experts at Serious Security about installing the most appropriate security system in your home.
Contact us
The best security system we have is our CCTV security system. Ring us now on (02) 8734 3250 for our free quote and our professionals will install the right system for your house.