Camera Invasion of the Market

I don’t know whether you’ve noticed the sheer volume of cameras that have flopped on the market lately, but that’s exactly what has happened. The latest CCTV surveillance cameras are so affordable, flexible and outstandingly effective, there’s no other way of describing the upsurge. They have literally invaded and swamped the market to such an extent it has been estimated that on average, a person is likely to have a picture taken of him or her about 15 times daily. And that’s no exaggeration given the array of gadgetry available and the love people have of getting their photos taken.
Not 100% but totally effective
The CCTV surveillance camera is one very reliable security camera system that has taken huge strides against the unwanted crime of burglary. The mere fact that these security cameras are able to monitor an area and take clear video shots of perpetrators, is in itself, a strong deterrent to the very act of committing burglaries. It will become a very daunting prospect for thieves once they realize that their clear video images can be used as evidence against them in any court of law. They are so versatile they can practically monitor any situation and provide security for people, employees and visitors.
Gone are the tapes
It is somewhat of a relief that you no longer have to spend countless hours playing a tape (without viewing the speaker), when ascertaining what had taken place. Because the CCTV security camera can be programmed to suit any situation, it is easy to select a certain footage simply by using the mouse to point at a certain date and time and the whole scene will be enacted on screen. The security cameras also feature high resolution video capable of capturing the minutest detail including the swift hand action of a pickpocket.
The future of the CCTV security camera
There is no doubting the capabilities of the CCTV security camera in helping entrepreneurs to safely operate their enterprises. To help boost their ongoing reliability and popularity there is now the integrated visual surveillance management technology that utilizes newly configured CCTV cameras that will have immense benefit to users. With it, businesses are able to obtain algorithm data from their cameras and use it to monitor customer behaviour and that will improve marketing decisions. The cameras can also be used to monitor employee movements for improving productivity and efficiency.
Contact us
We can help you install the ideal CCTV surveillance system for your house. Simply ring us now on (02) 8734 3250 for a free quote and we will start work immediately.
Deterring Violence at Home with Alarms & CCTVs

Many types of violence can occur in the home but at Serious Security in Sydney, we mainly focus our attention on burglar related scenarios. Violence may be induced by misunderstandings and quarrels between family members, people partying, people who dislike one another or even jealousies. But at least, these types of violence aren’t clandestine in nature and can be easily handled by individuals themselves. On the other hand, violence induced by burglars is the most pernicious and you need to be well prepared for them.
Don’t make easy for them
The surest way to foil breaking in attempts by burglars is to carefully think out tactics in not letting burglars into you premises. Make sure the fence around the house is secure. If you have no fence around you house, you need to strengthen the second line of defence – the entry points. These are always susceptible to break-ins but even after securing the entry points, you home may still succumb to burglar activity. Of course you can install a CCTV surveillance system but there are other equally effective methods for a counter-attack.
Don’t panic, just use the panic button
What is it? Simply put in terms of domestic, office or business premise situations, it’s an electronic device designed precisely to alert someone in an emergency situation that involves a threat to person or property. In most cases such as in your home, a panic button can be connected to a monitoring centre or centralized control panel or a silent alarm or loud bell or siren. Whatever the panic button is connected to, it can be a very effective means of guarding you home against burglars. At Serious Security we can even customize the use of panic buttons to suit your specific needs.
Sending signal while undetected
If you need a stealthier method for guarding you house, we also have an amazing array of alarm systems and accessories that can also foil burglar attempts on your home. The most effective of these are our hidden panic or holdup buttons that can be built into the wall of your house, office or retail store. One very special feature of our hidden panic buttons is they can be connected to any type of alarm system that can immediately sent an alert to guards, police and even to a person you have appointed for monitoring the security of your home.
Contact us
So if you want a panic button system installed in your house, ring us now on (02) 8734 3250 and we will make sure your house is fully covered with our latest hidden cameras or open panic alarm systems.
How CCTV Systems Can Deter Stalkers

Many men and women and even teenage girls will attest to the prevalence of stalkers and there stealthy activities especially at night. These frightening experiences occur often around the metro and suburbia of Sydney. As providers of top quality security systems in both areas, Serious Security has noted these alarming occurrences and strives to address them with its CCTV camera systems so that residents are fully protected in their homes, offices and business premises.
Popular haunts for stalkers
Lights and the presence of many people are a curse to stalkers so they frequent areas that are dimly lit and not frequented by a lot of people like interior parking lots. If you have to negotiate isolated areas, the first obvious step is to avoid these desolate and dark places. If you are unable to do so, the next best alternative is to always carry your mobile phone that is connected to an alarm system at home. Serious Security can help you do this and make your journey from the workplace to your house or flats safe and harassment free.
Reaching your peaceful haven – home
If you have experienced the unsettling moments of being followed by a stalker, you would have also felt the dissipation of fear, anxiety and the flow of relief and feeling of safety when you reach your home. Unfortunately, the determination of some stalkers does not end at the gate. Some do forge ahead and have known to break in and enter houses, steal valuables and disappear without trace. Be proactive and install a CCTV camera system, the iconic and very hard to beat modern day security system. Of course you don’t know how to, so let us do it for you and give you peace of mind.
We have the professionals to do the job
The installation of an effective CCTV surveillance system is not an easy task to do. It requires the assistance of professionals that are fully trained in the art of selecting and installing the ideal security system for you needs. They will visit and appraise your premises and can immediately come up with just the right type of configured system that will effectively protect you home from any inquisitive stalker. They are fully trained and qualified to know how many cameras your particular situation needs; they know where the cameras will be deployed; they can tell you what other systems can be connected for greater efficiency and deployment. They know it all!
Contact us
You’d be doing yourself a favour, if you let us assist you select and install the exact CCTV security system that you need. Call us now (02) 8734 3250 for a free quote and we will immediately go into action.
Vandalism & How You Can Deter It

In the areas around metro and suburbia Sydney, the occurrence of vandalism is rife and many offices, shops and homes are vandalized. These irresponsible, costly and of course illegal acts of violence are the hobbies of mindless, wandering vagrant teenagers who have nothing better to do than to cause damage to property in the Sydney neighbourhoods. At Serious Security we are at the vanguard of efforts in minimizing the effects of vandalism on residents whether they are done to homes, institutions, or businesses.
Cooperating to confront the menace
Vandalism requires the cooperation of many agencies that pool together the assistance of many arms that include government, council and responsible residents. Serious Security keeps a watchful eye on these developments so it can make moves that are based on accurate data about the incidence and other related information on vandalism. Our current strategy is to be proactive in configuring CCTV systems that are suitable for the different types of vandalism that occur in the metro and suburbia areas.
More focus on home security
While we regard as eliciting information and the support of local authorities is important, we consider installing security systems in the home just as equally important if not more important. There is no other more effective system than the CCTV surveillance system and its selection and installation is a must for every home, office and business premise:
- The home – the most important haven of all and one that deserve the best security system to protect on the outside as well as on the inside. One impact that a CCTV system can have on potential vandals is the presence of its cameras. No vandal will go near a house that has a CCTV system installed. Risking several years in prison or a correction centre is no option.
- The office – the most important place for earning your livelihood along with the family if you have one. What would vandals want at the office? Plenty! From the fence, the windows, the car park. Vandals will take away anything they can carry and damage those they are unable to. Doing so without being spotted is a cinch but install a CCTV camera to scan the whole front, side or back and vandals will not dare do anything to your workplace.
- The business premise – the most important earning premises for you and your family if you opt to go into business instead of office work. There is no better target for a vandal than a shop located in a dark isolated area of a neighbourhood or street. These are situations that need proper security systems or relocation to well-lit areas not frequented by vandals. We can help you with your security issues.
Contact us
Ring us now on (02) 8734 3250 for a free quote and you can be rest assured we will do the rest of the work for you.
Deterring Suspicious Activity Around Your Home

In a city as big as Sydney, there’s bound to be some activity that arouses suspicion to residents but in many cases, they find themselves unable to respond to these suspicious events. At Serious Security in the city, we are intimately familiar with these activities and the inability of some residents to deal with them. The main outlook that we popularize is not to focus too much on the suspicious activity but to concentrate on shoring up their houses to make them secure and safe. Nevertheless we do advise them to use their own discretion in dealing with different situations.
The different types of suspicious activities
- A suspicious activity at my neighbour’s house – you see that some people are carousing outside your neighbour’s house and causing a ruckus. Let your neighbour handle it.
- Suspicious activity at the neighbour’s house – you’ve seen a man standing outside your neighbour’s fence for a whole week and you know it’s not natural. Same thing.
- A black sedan outside my house – you notice that the car was parked in the same place at the same time for three nights running. You are not expecting any visitors or friends to visit you. Call the police immediately and follow up when needed.
- Anything suspicious outside your home – report all of them immediately to the police but never forget that if they have ulterior motives, it’s usually related to a breaking in.
What to worry about
The most important thing to worry about is that your home is safe and secure by having technical devices at your disposal that you can use to consolidate the safety of your house in relation to suspicious activities. The two main ones are:
- A CCTV surveillance system – this is a must have tech device for the overall security of you home. Its versatility is unmatched and we supply the latest version of the cameras so shore up the security defences of your house. It is dependable, efficient and easy to install by professionals skilled in configuring and installing the system.
- Window security films – the windows of the house were regarded by many as perhaps the most vulnerable part of your home, but no more. Security window films have now been introduced to boost home security. The technique involves the installing of special made windows that resist impacts that can shatter glass. A method you should definitely use.
Contact us
We can enhance the security of your home by installing a CCTV camera system and a window security films. Ring us now on (02) 8734 3250 for a free quote and you can consider you house secure from any suspicious activity outside.
Protection against Burglaries and Break & Enters

There is no more disturbing moment in the lives of law abiding citizens than to have their homes subjected to breaking in and entering or worse, to have their priceless valuables burglarized and carried away in the twinkling of an eye. At Serious Security in Sydney, we are equally traumatized by these reckless and pitiless acts and are constantly upgrading the quality of security systems that we make available to residents in the Sydney metropolitan area and beyond. Burglary has become part of Sydney life and top quality security systems are the most effective ways of combating them.
The encompassing approach
The most effective security for any house is a multifaceted approach to the problem and at Serious Security in Sydney, this is the golden rule. We take the view that security begins from the outermost perimeter of the home right into the interior reaches of the house itself.
- The fence – this is often viewed as the first line of defence for any home on which a burglar, thief or vandal will focus attention. The fence should be embedded firmly into the ground with or without a concrete foundation. It should be completely covered with not points of weaknesses or openings. If this is not the case, it should be attended to and rectified.
- The grounds – grounds around a house may look safe enough but to a seasoned thief, there are tell-tale signs that can be used to advantage. Trees along the fence, along sides and front of the house, close to windows are all potential aids for hiding and entry. Trees must either be removed or cut to deprive thieves of potential hiding places.
- Lighting – the grounds surrounding the house should be well lit with dark parts suitably illuminated to detect any signs of movements.
- Doors – these must be very sturdy with strong latches and locking devices to prevent forceful entry.
- Windows – strong locks need to be fixed to the windows to prevent easy access. Reinforced glass should be used on all windows to prevent forceful entry into the house.
Selecting and installing a suitable security system
After taking care of all the non-tech security measures, we always advise customers to carefully select and install a CCTV security system in their house premises. Some opt to install wired or wireless alarm systems but the most careful house owners always choose the CCTV security system for its versatility, dependability and centralized monitoring capability. At Serious Security we always provide the latest version of CCTV security cameras and continue to upgrade and improve our configuring to counter any moves that burglars are like to make in the future.
Contact us
We have no equal in providing and installing the most effective security system in town. Ring us now on (02) 8734 3250 for our free quote and see for yourself how we do it.
Crime Statistics NSW – Robbery, Malicious Damage and Theft

The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics have released this information on Robbery, Malicious Damage and Theft statistics. They’re somewhat useful in helping people understand the nature of the criminal activity in their area.
We recommend that if you live in a medium to high crime rate area, you take the necessary precautions such as investing in an alarm or CCTV system.
Christmas – A Great Time for Businesses and Customers

With Christmas just around the corner, businesses and customers are both busying themselves in conjuring up a caboodle of sales and buys that would stagger the imagination. Estimates of sales would run into the hundreds of millions, really juicy pickings for burglars who will definitely be on the prowl looking for opportunities to pounce on merchandise and cash under the care of unwary shop attendants. Christmas is no time for complacency but should be a time of heightened alerts against thieves and at Serious Security we are all set to help.
Daylight vigilance is a must
Most of the Christmas shopping will naturally take place in the daylight hours and for business owners, this is the time to focus all of their attention by doing the following:
- that all CCTV Systems and alarm systems are inspected by professionals from Serious Security to make sure they are fully functional before the first Christmas customers start pouring in the front entrance.
- Make changes wherever necessary to change the position of cameras and alarm systems for maximum security monitoring and effect. This may necessitate a recall of past camera and alarm system performances but it will maximize the effectiveness of your security systems.
- That the centralized monitoring room is fully manned throughout the festive season especially at the peak of the shopping spree to guard against clandestine activities.
- Enlist the help of extra security guards if needed, to keep an eye on things especially in the larger stores and supermarkets. The deployment of guards to strategic sectors should have the effect of reducing theft and preventing the escape of culprits that are caught red-handed on camera.
- Enlist the assistance of police in mounting regular patrols around your business premise to form an extra barrier against the entry of criminal elements inside your store and in preventing the escape of thieves who succeed in eluding the clutches of the security guards inside your store.
The security systems must perform
The most important aspect of security during the coming Christmas is that you have the proper security systems in place well before the shopping starts as well as other security measures that need to be taken so that your security needs are fully covered. The assistance of police and security guard services are important but the proper functioning and placement of your CCTV and/or alarm systems are indispensable.
Contact us
We are the only security providers that can really secure your business premise this coming Christmas. Ring us now on 8734 3250 for a free quote so you can experience risk free selling.
How to Really Secure your Home at Christmas Time

Christmas is that time of the year where we tend to let go our usual caring attitude and put on a more lackadaisical outlook. It may be no cause for concern but there is always that warning note telling us that the merriments of Christmas can also attract the spoilers – burglars! They will definitely not let up and so shouldn’t you. With Christmas time just a couple of months away, the time is ripe for you to take stock of your security situation and prime it up.
Security tips
The security tips are not exhaustive but they do make up the main precautions that you should take to secure your house.
- The fence: this is the first line of your defence set up. Make sure that gaping holes or loose posts are patched and made firm. If you are really serious you might want to add a string or two of barbed wire along the top of your fence.
- Foliage: trees and bushes will definitely offer hiding places for would be burglars. Clear them altogether from the side of the fence and trim the rest of the plants on your grounds that may provide hiding places for thieves.
- Front and back doors: these doors, especially the front door are notorious access points for burglars. Most burglaries happen because the front or back doors are left open during the day. Make sure your doors are solid with strong locks and always lock both doors when you venture out for a while
- Windows: insecure windows or those left open at daytime or during nights are sure entry points for thieves. Secure all windows with strong locks that can hold the windows in the locked position. Make sure sliding doors and windows can be locked in position.
- Lights: a well-lit ground area surrounding your house is a very strong deterrent against burglars. They hate being caught and lights that light up their approach path is one sure way of detecting them.
- Install an alarm system – we find that a visible siren on the front of your home acts as a great deterrant.
- Install a CCTV system – a burglar will likely fear being captured on camera and go to another home instead.
Contact us
We can help you install the perfect security system to augment your security efforts. Ring us now on 8734 3250 for our free quote on our latest CCTV and alarm systems.
USES of a CCTV Camera
The main purpose of a CCTV camera is to serve as a security measure used for preventing crime. However, there are different ways how it can achieve this. A CCTVcamera can also perform different functions and roles. In this article, we will look into a few of those different uses of a CCTV camera. You might be surprised as you will realize how much you can do with it.
Detecting Fires
A fire alarm, of course, is your main defense against fires. However, a CCTV camera can be effective as well. It can actually, in some cases, detect it earlier.
Keeping Your Staff Safe
A CCTV camera can protect your staff in several ways. For one, it can physically protect them against violence from customers. It can also protect them against false accusations coming from colleagues, or even from customers or clients. For instance, if a customers claims that a staff member has sold them something faulty or defective, you will be able to find out if it actually happened.
Identifying Theft
Thieves are not always strangers or outsiders. Unfortunately, most stealing incidents are done by staff members. By using a CCTV, you can prevent this from happening.
Spotting Vandalism
A CCTV surveillance camera allows you to monitor your property when you are not around. It can spot vandals scribbling on your walls or breaking your glass windows.
Noticing Accidents
It is useful to have a CCTV in case a staff member or a customer falls over. This would help you send someone over quickly to take care of any injury, and at the same time prevent a scandal in the workplace.
Deterring Crime
CCTV enables you to capture criminals. It can even prevent crime before it happens by acting as a threat to catch criminal offendersshould they commit any illicit activity.